Hide or Show A Slider

Updated on July 12, 2022

It is highly recommended to hide slides NOT delete them.

Notice in the bottom right corner of each slide is an icon. It will show either a green check mark or a red x. Green means it is currently visible on the slideshow while red means it is unpublished or not visible.

  1. To change this setting, hover of the desired slider. A button showing three dots will appear. Clicking on this will display a menu.
    • To hide a visible slide, choose “Unpublish”. The icon will change to red.
    • To show a not visible slide, choose “Publish”. The icon will turn green.
  2.  Click “Save” when done with all changes to make it visible on the site.

If you made changes and are not seeing them on the site, make sure you were editing the slider without “copy” on the end.

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