Feed Isn’t Loading Correctly

Updated on September 26, 2024

The connection between your social feeds and the website can be disrupted by changes to the social media platform and many other factors. It’s likely that at some point you will need to do some light maintenance on the feed. Please try the below instructions to rebuild the feed’s cache.

  1. Login to the back-end of the site.
  2. Hover over “Social Apps” in the left menu. Click on “Flow-Flow Lite”.
  3. If when you see an next to AUTH, then follow these instructions first and then return here.
  4. Click on “Feeds” at the top of the page.
  5. On the right-hand side, switch the Live button from No to Yes. Once it is successfully activated the red dot on the left-hand side will turn green.
  6. Next to each feed will be a three dot icon. Click this icon, then select “Rebuild Cache”.
  7. Refresh the front-end of the site.

If it’s fixed, great. If it’s still not working, try further trouble shooting.

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