Change Event Status

Updated on March 21, 2023
  1. Find or create an event.
  2. Scroll to the “Event Details” section and click on “SEO Schema / Event Status”.
  3. All events will automatically be set to “Scheduled”.
  4. Set the event to whichever of the following makes sense for your situation: postponed, cancelled, or moved online.
  5. Cancelled: when selected an additional field will appear called “Reason for Cancellation”. Please provide an explanation. It can be short and sweet such as “Cancelled due to weather”. Be sure to check the box saying “Display in single event page”.
  6. Moved Online: when selected an additional field will appear called “Online Link”. Provide your online video link so people can easily join the event.
  7. Be sure to “Preview” then “Publish” or “Update” your event.

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