Tips for Choosing Design Examples for Your Website Redesign

A close-up view of a computer monitor displaying a collection of design templates. The screen showcases a variety of layouts, images, and text arranged in a grid format, suggesting a focus on website or graphic design for small businesses. The background is blurred.

We ask all of our clients requesting a website redesign or first time development to complete a client questionnaire. There’s one question in particularly that our team wants you to spend some time really thinking about…

Provide at least 2 examples of site designs that you like along with a detailed explanation as to why.

You may be uncertain how to answer this question. Here are some tips that will help you find some great websites for inspiration.

Our Tips

  • If you need a place to start, check out our portfolio.
  • Examples do not need to be related to your business. Just tell us why you like the design or site features.
  • Take a look at your competitors or big companies in your industry. Bigger budgets equal some pretty cool designs.
  • Do not limit your search to your geographically area. When we collect inspiration for sites, we look at companies from places like in New York City, Chicago, and Atlanta.
  • Tell us if there’s something you dislike about a design. What you do not like can be just as helpful.

Examples from Past Clients

  • County Economic Development Site
    •  |  Like the menu in the top left that expands and the search button
    •  |  Like the video, large photos, color, etc. It doesn’t look 2-dimensional and flat.
    •  |  Love the fonts and the lack of squareness to the homepage
  • Northeast Iowa School
    •   |   Circle icon design, at a glance info
    •   |   Like the layout & navigation between pages. Everything is easy to find
    •   |   Design & images captivate the viewer. Easily directed to important info
  • Small Campground
    •  |  Nice flow. Don’t like the colors. Too many words
    • |   Like the pictures with words on them to click for links
    • |   the video is neat, simple, clean

So start looking around the internet to find sites that spark your interest. We look forward to seeing what you find.

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Last Updated: December 4, 2023